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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应绿色AA级有机黑木耳black fungus
供应绿色AA级有机黑木耳black fungus
产 品: 浏览次数:1435供应绿色AA级有机黑木耳black fungus 
单 价: 16.00/袋 
供货总量: 50000 袋
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
更新日期: 2010-02-25 14:28  有效期至:长期有效
黑木耳采自于大兴安岭原始森林,这里地处祖国最北部的寒温带,森林茂密、环境优美、早晚温差大,是我国最佳的天然低温型食用菌自然生长区。这里独特的自然环境,使盛产的黑木耳具有营养丰富、色泽黑亮、朵大肉厚、口感滑而爽、嫩而鲜、脆而香等特点。此品富含人体所需的多种氨基酸和维生素,属低脂、低热、高真菌食品。 国家绿色食品AA级和有机食品双重认证 袋装、干品 规格:150克/袋(330×225MM 30袋/箱) 100克/袋(330×225MM 60袋/箱) 255克/袋(330×225MM 30袋/箱)食用方法:1,每块800-1000毫升温水浸泡15-20分钟,泡松复原后即可烹调食用.2,先倒入冷水浸泡10分钟后,去除冷水倒入温水,浸泡15分钟效果更佳.Black fungus;It's picked from DaXingAn Ling(Ling means mountains)primeval forest of CHINA'S Heilongjiang province,It's in cold temperate belt where is located end north of China.The best nature zone for self-grown low temperature form edible fungus.DaXingAnLing where There has beautiful scene heavily wooded strong daily range of temperature. Here the unique natural environment make the black fungus with high untrienty, black shiny ,rich large lobe,cool smooth mouthfeel,tender and crisp and so on.This product is rich in variety of amino acid and vitamins,low -fat,high-fungal food. The Green Food AA Grade and the Organic Food double certified YONG FU black fungus. processing with hand-screening purify, adopting with scientific methods , easy to store and carry, sanitary, have a good rehabilitation .It is the delicious food of feast , the best gifts for relatives and friends .specification of the bag's dry goods is 150 grams(330*225mm 30bags per box)Usage;1,It should be soaked in 800-1000ml warm water for 15-20 minites and it sould be edible after recovering to the condition before compressed.2,Put it into cold water for 10 minutes then remove the cold water and inject the watm water for 15minutes' soaking that will get better effect.