供应优质白蘑white mushroom
供应优质白蘑white mushroom
详细信息 富含有机质,没有受到污染,夏秋季节气候温凉湿润,光照时间长,为白蘑的生长提供了良好的生态环境。白蘑是伞菌中最珍贵的品种,含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素及钾、钙、铁、磷等矿物质,其形状如伞,洁如玉盘、嫩如鲜笋。每年雨量充足的8~9月为盛产期。白蘑食法很多,可以溜炒、做馅,涮火锅。也可以晾干,以备冬季食用。 It's rich in organic ,no pollution,the white mushroom is the tpye of agaric that the most precious agaric. It's rich in protein,vitamins;kal,calcium,iron,phosphorus and such minerals.It has umbrella figure,and as pure as jade plate,tender as fresh bamboo shoot.there are many ways to cook the white mushroom.Fry it ,to stir-fry it,instant-boil,and with meat as the filling.the dry good easy to store.